How To Mount a Motorcycle GPS

A motorcycle GPS can help you on commutes, or for road trips. However, to make your experience with your motorcycle GPS as smooth as possible, you're going first to need to make sure it is installed properly, and securely.

Step 1: Get a Good GPS Device

First things first, you need to get yourself a GPS! If you don't already have one, it's time to start looking. Some of the best motorcycle GPS devices for motorcycles are not what you would expect.

Some models are much more expensive than they should be, while others are a great steal. Before you get started mounting whatever GPS device you have now, you may want to make sure you have the right gear for the job from the get-go.

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Step 2: Decide Where You Want It Mounted

There are a variety of correct ways to mount a motorcycle GPS. The way that is best for you depends on your bike, and your personal preferences. Make sure you choose a spot that is easy to reach, doesn't impede your view, and where you can securely mount the GPS.

Step 3: Preparing Your Mount

If you bought a new GPS mount, that is likely going to come with detailed instructions. If you bought a mount second-hand, or are doing a DIY job, the best place to mount your GPS is likely on your handlebars.

If you don't have a mount, you should invest in one. Jerrryrigging your GPS to your motorcycle is a bad idea, hands down.

You can use inexpensive mounting equipment, which is available online and in most stores.

When using a handlebar mount, you first want to unscrew the mount using an Allen wrench. Adjust the size of the mount to line up with the thickness of your handlebars.

To prevent any accidental damage to your bike, make sure there is rubber padding between your handlebars and the mount. This will cushion the handlebars and prevent scratches while also providing a more stable placement.

Step 4: Mounting To The Bike

To mount your GPS to your motorcycle, secure the mount around your handlebars and use an Allen wrench to tighten the mount down as much as possible.

You want to make sure you have a secure enough fit that won't be displaced by wind or rain.

Step 5: Attaching Your GPS

Now that you have your mount attached to your motorcycle, it's time to place the GPS device. Gently slide your motorcycle GPS into the mount and make sure it's secure. You should be able to access all the buttons and all areas of the screen.

Step 6: Connecting Power

Once your GPS device is securely attached to your bike, you need to secure a power source. Most motorcycle GPS devices can run via power from your bike, or via battery.

Even if you have a model that runs on a battery, it's a good idea to make sure you have access to charge the unit on the go if needed.

Closing thoughts

Mounting your GPS to your motorcycle isn't hard. All you need to remember is that the mounting job should be secure, not impede your view, and allow easy access to all of the controls of your GPS.

How do you mount your GPS to your motorcycle? Let us know in the comments section below!

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